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THrō Ceramics

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THrō Ceramics


$ 97.00 Regular price $ 197.00

Are you tired of not being able to make the pieces you want on the wheel?

I hear ya!

Centering and centering and your pot is still wonky. Or, you finally get it centered and you’ve got an air bubble. Or, you try coning and it ends up slinging around all over the place.  Or the most frustrating, you finally get all the other steps done right and the first pull of your wall and it just collapses.

Woooomp.. woooomp

When I first started working on the wheel. I struggled , real real bad. Thinking back to those days I sometimes wonder why I kept going, but I wanted to learn this art form so badly.

Wonky pot after wonky pot. I finally got tired of it and found a way to master working on the wheel.

I promise, anyone can do this and I’m here to teach you how.

What I teach in MUD SCHOOL is exactly what I learned in college along with the techniques I’ve taught myself over the years.


  • First we work through understanding clay, the importance of water and safety tips.
  • A pre-recorded series of videos and demos that teaches you how to master the 3 C’s of working on the pottery wheel.
  • The course is broken down so that you learn one technique at a time.
  • You have to master one technique before you move to the next and I teach you how I do each one, along with some “homework” so that you can master each one.
  • After you’ve mastered the 3 C’s you move to the projects sections. Each project builds on another so that will improve your throwing skills all the way from a small cylinder to a teapot.
  • A community of other beginner potters to connect with. A place to encourage one another, a place to share your projects, check progress and ask questions.
  • A complete list of tools I use in my studio - all the way down to the handmade ones.


  • the wheel will finally become a place of meditation instead of frustration 

After you’ve completed this course, you will be able to throw anything you want and start designing your own pieces with the skills you learned.

You will be able to center and throw with your eyes closed.

You will have a group of other potters to nerd out with about clay.  Because how awkward is it when you try to talk about mud to your friends or family that just don’t get it?